
cook islands n.庫克群島〔南太平洋〕。

cook off

Far more important were the lessons that the coaches , management and players would learn from their experiences both on and off the field in belfast , because these could then be put into practice to facilitate development of a sport loved in the cook islands 更加重要是教練,管理和運動員將斷斷續續地兩個都從他們的經驗接受的教訓在貝爾發斯特的場地,因為這些然后能被實行便于在廚師島愛的一個運動的開發。

We have about 15 islands in the cook islands and some of our boys are mainly from australia and new zealand , so we have to get a management that works in those other bigger countries 我們在廚師島有大約15個島,一些我們的男孩主要從澳大利亞和新西蘭,我們因此不得不得到在那些另外的更大的國家工作的一個管理。

The department of port administration in american samoa said last week it was awaiting approval from the us coast guard for a local vessel , the mv sili , to sail to pukapuka in the cook islands 美屬薩摩亞港口管理部表示上周他們正在等待美國海岸警衛隊為本地的一艘船只的許可,以便前往普卡普卡島。

The department of port administration in american samoa said last week it was awaiting approval from the us coast guard for a local vessel , the mv sili , to sail to pukapuka in the cook islands 美國薩摩亞航空公司管理部說上周他們在等待美國海岸警備隊許可他們派船, mv號到庫克群島的普卡普卡群島。

The department of port administration in american samoa said last week it was awaiting approval from the us coast guard for a local vessel , the mv sili , to sail to pukapuka in the cook islands 美屬薩摩亞港務部表示,上周,它一在等待美國海岸警衛隊批準當地船只“西里號”駛往普卡普卡島的申請。

The financial action task force on money laundering ( fatf ) removed the cook islands , indonesia and the philippines from the list of non - cooperative countries and territories ( nccts ) 打擊清洗黑錢財務行動特別組織(特別組織)把庫克群島、印尼及菲律賓從不合作國家及地區名單中除名。

More than 100 australians and new zealanders of cook island descent are stranded on the remote pacific atoll of pukapuka in the northern cook islands 庫克群島血統的澳大利亞人、新西蘭人共計100多人被困于一個人跡罕至的太平洋環礁上,該環礁位于庫克群島以北,名叫普卡普卡島。

More than 100 australians and new zealanders of cook island descent are stranded on the remote pacific atoll of pukapuka in the northern cook islands 來自澳洲和新西蘭的100多名庫克群島后人受困在位于北庫克群島里的一座名為普卡普卡的很偏遠的珊瑚島上。

More than 100 australians and new zealanders of cook island descent are stranded on the remote pacific atoll of pukapuka in the northern cook islands 一百多澳大利亞人和有庫克島血統的新西蘭人被困在太平洋庫克島北邊一個叫普卡普卡的偏遠島嶼。

The cook islands ' beauty and its laid - back pace of life have ensured that tourism is the main employer and the biggest earner 庫克群島渾然天成的美景與悠?的生活步調,確保了觀光業是最重要的業主同時也是最大的贏家。

It would , however , require a truly epic economic renaissance to tempt back even half the cook islands ' far - flung diaspora 然而,這可得是個非常巨大的經濟復蘇,才能吸引半數庫克島那些遠渡重洋離鄉背井的人回家。

With their blue lagoons , white sand beaches and palm trees , the cook islands present , at first glance , a vision of paradise 蔚藍的?湖、白色的沙灘和迎風搖曳的棕櫚樹,乍看之下庫克群島呈現出天堂般的美景。

Anywhere else , that would sound like tourist brochure hype . down here in the cook islands , they really mean it 在任何其他的地方,這些聽起來像是旅游手冊里天花亂墜的吹噓。在庫克群島,那都是真的。

The cook islands are the epitome of the south seas tropical hideaway 庫克群島是南太平洋充滿熱帶風情與世隔絕的典范。